Trezor® Wallet® - official wallet

An update for Trezor Suite (version 22.9.3) is now ready to install. To download and apply the update, open Trezor Suite and follow the on-screen instructions. Changes included in this update are also

Securing Your Recovery Seed

Best Practices for Storing Your Seed

Store your recovery seed in a secure location, preferably offline. Consider using a fireproof and waterproof safe. Some users opt for safety deposit boxes for added security.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Avoid common mistakes such as taking a photo of your recovery seed or storing it on cloud services. These methods expose your seed to potential hacks. Always keep your seed offline and secure.

Using the Trezor Wallet Interface

The Trezor wallet interface is intuitive and user-friendly. The dashboard allows you to view your balances, make transactions, and manage your crypto assets with ease. Spend some time exploring the features to become familiar with the interface.

Adding and Managing Cryptocurrencies

You can add multiple cryptocurrencies to your Trezor wallet. The interface supports a wide range of coins and tokens. Simply select the cryptocurrency you wish to add and follow the prompts to include it in your portfolio.

Making Transactions with Trezor

Sending Cryptocurrency

To send cryptocurrency, select the coin you wish to send, enter the recipient's address, specify the amount, and confirm the transaction. Trezor will prompt you to verify the details on your device before proceeding, ensuring every transaction is secure.

Receiving Cryptocurrency

Receiving crypto is straightforward. Select the cryptocurrency you want to receive, generate a receiving address, and share this address with the sender. Your Trezor will display the address for verification, adding an extra layer of security.

Advanced Security Features

Enabling Passphrase Protection

For added security, you can enable passphrase protection on your Trezor. This feature adds an additional layer of security by requiring a passphrase whenever you access your wallet. Choose a passphrase that is strong and memorable.

Setting Up Multi-Signature Wallets

Multi-signature wallets require multiple approvals for a transaction to be completed. This is particularly useful for organizations or joint accounts, as it prevents a single party from having full control over the funds.

Integrating Trezor with Other Wallets and Services

Using Trezor with MetaMask

Trezor can be integrated with MetaMask, a popular web wallet, to enhance security. This combination allows you to interact with decentralized applications (dApps) securely. Follow the integration guide on Trezor’s website to get started.

Connecting to Third-Party Exchanges

You can connect your Trezor wallet to various third-party exchanges for seamless trading. Ensure you use reputable exchanges and follow the integration instructions carefully to maintain security.

Updating Your Trezor Firmware

Why Firmware Updates Are Important

Firmware updates ensure your Trezor device remains secure and up-to-date with the latest features. Regular updates protect against vulnerabilities and improve functionality.

Step-by-Step Update Guide

Updating your firmware is straightforward. Connect your Trezor, access the Trezor wallet interface, and follow the prompts to update. Ensure your device stays connected and do not disconnect until the update is complete.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Connectivity Problems

If your Trezor isn't connecting to your computer, check your USB cable and ports. Restarting your computer or trying a different USB port can often resolve connectivity issues.

Device Not Recognized

If your device is not recognized, ensure that Trezor Bridge is installed correctly. Reinstalling the software or updating your computer’s drivers may also help.

Backing Up and Restoring Your Trezor Wallet

How to Backup Your Wallet

Backing up your Trezor wallet involves securing your recovery seed. Follow the initial setup instructions carefully to generate and store your recovery seed safely.

Restoring from a Recovery Seed

If you need to restore your wallet, select the restore option during setup and enter your recovery seed. Ensure you input the seed words in the exact order to regain access to your funds.

Protecting Yourself from Scams

Identifying Phishing Attempts

Be vigilant against phishing attempts. Always access Trezor’s website directly rather than through email links. Look for secure HTTPS connections and verify website authenticity before entering any sensitive information.

Ensuring Authentic Trezor Products

Purchase your Trezor from official sources to avoid counterfeit products. Authentic Trezor devices come with security seals and packaging that should be intact upon arrival.


Trezor provides a robust solution for securing

Last updated